
紐西蘭是個非常小的國家,但是對遊客來說它仍蘊含豐富變化。Coromandel位於北島東岸,如果你想要在海灘上放鬆,這會是最佳的去處。那邊有數以百座的海灘,有些多半是空無一人的。其中最有名的去處是Hot Water海灘,在那裡你可以享受傍海的天然溫泉。
紐西蘭生產世界之最的紅酒。要看葡萄生長的園區,請前往Marlborough.這邊是以當地的pinot noir和sauvignon blanc兩種葡萄種類聞名。這同時也是非常非常美麗的地方,該區有高大翠綠的群山環繞。

在Milford Sound可以尋獲令人驚豔的臨海河道。該峽谷是由冰河而非河水所形成,因此是真的峽灣。該水道佈滿高聳瀑布和懸崖峭壁。要是還不夠,水裡面還有海豹。
(Travel)Theres so much to See and Do in New Zealand
The country may be relatively small, but it has lots of attractions including beaches, fjords, and wine.
New Zealand is a very small country, but it still provides great variety for tourists.Coromandel, on the North Islands east coast, is the best place to go if you want to relax on a beach. There are hundreds of beaches there, and some are often empty. One of the most popular places is the Hot Water Beach, where you can enjoy a natural hot spring by the sea.
New Zealand produces some of the worlds best wines.To see the vineyards where the grapes are grown, head to Marlborough.The area is famous for its pinot noirs and sauvignon blancs. Its also very, very beautiful, as the region is surrounded by tall, green mountains.
Milford Sound is the place to go for stunning coastal channels.The valley was formed by glaciers and not rivers, which really makes it a fjord.The channel is packed with tall waterfalls and huge cliffs.As if that wasnt enough, the waters also contain seals.
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